Five ways to keep yourself writing this year

The bells are chiming, or soon they will be, telling us 2017 is here. I've been spending the last week, planning the new year as much as time allowed. 2016 wasn't my best, so out with the old, and in with the new is this years mantra. This year my biggest goal will be to go over, and re-plan as I go, every first of the month. That's always made more sense to me than doing it all on New Years Eve. I hope 2017 will be everything you're hoping for. While this post is on ways to keep writer's writing, it could be helpful for readers in whatever plans you might have for the new year as well. Just translate them into something that works for your own goals. For me, the planning is always easy. Keeping to the schedule is the difficult part. This year I was sideswiped by a myriad of physical issues. My plans were to finish the current story, and work on others, nanowrimo style. I prefer to get the first draft done, but when you find yourself fighting nausea a...