Character Madness Monday An interview with Elsa Reeve from Rachel Rossano's Medieval Romance Novel Honor 1. Tell us about your story I am, Elsa Reeve, the second daughter in a family of three daughters and one son. My younger brother is going to inherit everything my father owns upon my father’s death, including the title Baron of Malorny. My duty as a daughter is to marry well, something my sisters have accomplished already. Unfortunately my mother and my brother have plans for me to marry for their benefit, but I am doing all I can to avoid their intended ends short of open rebellion. 2. What part do you play in it? I am the female protagonist, in other words the heroine. 3. Is it scary or a love story? A bit of an adventurous love story. 4. Have you heard any good gossip lately? The Earl of Dentin supposedly killed his father, but I am not sure I believe the gossip. He doesn’t strike me as the type. Not that he wou...