Character Madness: Haunted by Darkness - Belshazzar, The Legend of Misty Haven

Jessandre Jessandre from Eye of the Gods and Belshazzar - The Legend of Misty Haven Jessandre is a phoenix, called on of the brethren, who were created to be the eyes of the Gods, With time, humans had no more need of the old gods, so they appointed Belshazzar to guard the natural from supernatural realms, and laid down their lives. In time, the brethren left to sleep with their masters, all except for Jessandre, who asked to become a servant to Belshazzar, so he could continue protecting the people. When Belshazzar's spirit moves on, Jessandre is left alone, until he returns to Misty Haven, where he finds a kindred spirit in Ariantha, Princess of the sea elves, and half mermaid. But Jessandre returned to Misty Haven to join Belshazzar in eternal sleep. Will he stay with Ariantha, and help save her from the wicked regent who wants to marry her, or fall into eternal sleep with his master? Read more of Jessandre's story in Eye of the Gods, and Belshazzar - The ...