Happy New Year

What are you hoping for in 2016? I usually like to spend some time going over the year that past, just to see if I made my goals, but for whatever reason, I didn't make any last year. I don't bother with resolutions, they seem to be more self discipline than I have, but I think goals and things to hope for are a positive endeavor. So here are a few of mine. I haven't been writing as much as I should, so I made a schedule, and added catch up days in case I fall behind. I have a few novels that are almost finished, a couple of anthology novelettes, and of course I plan on keeping up on Pretentious. I also have another series of short stories planned, but that will all be published together when the time comes. But every writer probably has more writing on their new year list. Reading more books is a definite for the new year. Most people know that I read for a screenwriting contest every year, but this year, I want to read more novels, and post more review...