Whizzy Willow's First Day at School by Billie Rayatt --Children's Book-- ***Spotlight***
Children's Book
Publisher: Xlibris
Whizzy Willow’s First Day at School: Leaf the iPad Alone! New Book Gets Kids Reading, Learning & Laughing Uncontreelably!
Whizzy Willow’s First Day at School’ is a charming and beautiful book for young children, teaching them about everyone’s unique qualities, tree names, their times tables and even sentence starters – all through a story inspired by trees. From Whizzy Willow himself to Mr. Oak, the book’s unique cast of characters will have young readers laughing, learning and always looking upwards!
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About the Author

Billie Rayatt adores working with children. Her passion is seeing children develop the same pleasure she had for books when she was young. Billie presently works with children in a primary school. Besides being a creative writer, she is a mother of two wonderful children. Her love for nature and outside life made the sun a great companion of hers. Little wonder she enjoys taking long walks in the sun. Billie strongly believes whatever is done now echoes for eternity. What keeps her motivated is the knowledge that when we keep learning and trying new things, it develops the individual and makes him or her shine. She believes laughter can be infectious and the best medicine for life.
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