Quest of the Chosen: The Journey Begins Light Passer Chronicles Book 1 by Bruce Campelia - YA Fantasy, Adventure

Quest of the Chosen: The Journey Begins
Light Passer Chronicles Book 1
by Bruce Campelia

Genre: YA Fantasy, Adventure

A tornado in the Black Hills of South Dakota has shattered Sarah Morningstar’s young life. The fifteen-year-old Lakota Sioux finds herself the last surviving member of her family. Chosen by some seemingly mystical accident, she and three others her age from across the globe, become embroiled in a journey that will transform their young lives.
The dangerous and action-filled mission they embark on will ultimately require them to make a choice: return to their previous lives or stand together and rescue the world from its current self-destructive path of fear, greed, and hatred.
 This compelling and poignant story is a signpost for our future and the future of the world.

Bruce Campelia was born in Boston, Massachusetts and now resides in St. Paul, Minnesota. He holds degrees in engineering and business, as well as a PhD in Natural Health. He has traveled extensively throughout America and the world over the years. He is the father of three girls, loves music, and is an avid hiker. This is his first novel in The Light Passers Chronicles book series.

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  1. This is one of the best YA books ive read in a while!

  2. Thanks Caela! While its main characters are young, it has been received
    extremely enthusiastically by both YA and adult readers. It's an exciting
    adventure they go on, and one with clear and compelling life lessons for all.

    1. The messages are profound and important for every YA and Adult reader. The relationships between the characters grow as does each character in the book. What made you choose these particular characters and their cultures?

  3. They come from cultures that have been trampled on in the history of mankind,
    yet they also hold the keys to the common spiritual and life lessons of which we
    are all in desperate need. Thanks for your question ....Bruce


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