Oma and the Prince by Susan Ngozi Nwokedi - Fairytale

Oma and the Prince
by Susan Ngozi Nwokedi

Genre: Fairytale

Oma and the Prince is a unique African fairytale that follows the journey of Oma, a poor girl with a rare skin disease. Oma was ridiculed not only because of her skin, but because she aimed high. This fairytale encourages its readers to dream big and chase those dreams. It covers social topics such as bullying, self-advocacy, and diversity. Along with following their dreams, readers learn that the beauty that really matters is inner beauty.


Susan Ngozi Nwokedi is an award-winning filmmaker with over 15 years of experience in the film and entertainment industry. Nwokedi can be found online at After graduating from the University of Houston and obtaining two Master’s degrees, she founded TopLine Productions and Entertainment Company. Realizing her passion as an educator and a leader, she opened the Children Come Click Education & Technology Center, a supplemental education enrichment program that provides K-12 support and adult education services.

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$30 Amazon


  1. This sounds like a great book. Nice cover!

  2. Bullying is never good, sounds like a great book

  3. I like fairy tales from different countries.
    Thanks for the contest.


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