Character Madness Monday: A Sneaky New Thing

I've spent a good deal of time thinking about my blogs. Hearing about the historical value of the story is fun but I wanted something new to change things around. I love my writer's prompt posts, but readers that aren't into writing probably won't find them too fascinating.

So here is my new blog introduction, and it's called ... (Drum roll please). You guessed it!

Character Madness Mondays. 

I had a lot of fun with the character interviews on my blog tour and reading is all about characters. So I'm going to release mine to sneak around, talking behind my back, telling everyone about themselves, and interviewing other characters; mine and their friends, or maybe they'll just plain complain about me, the character that made them cry or have a party to celebrate some great feat they accomplish.
So keep your eyes peeled for Character Madness Mondays.


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